Joram van Kaam (20)

“When you arrive at Warmonderhof, the farm vibe hits you straight away. You learn a lot here: about health and nutrition, horticulture and arable farming, and animal husbandry. Warmonderhof provides you with a solid foundation.”
“Eventually, I want a mixed farm with livestock, arable farming, horticulture, processing and nature management”
Joram van Kaam (20) is a third-year student at Warmonderhof at the time of this interview. He is studying to become a biodynamic farm manager.
“One of my uncles has a livestock farm and another has a horticultural business. I’ve been working for them since I was ten. So attending an open day at Warmonderhof wasn’t such a strange thing to do. After studying at Warmonderhof for three years, I can truthfully say that I’m determined to go for the mixed farm. For me, a farm is an organism that has to be able to sustain itself; an organism in which the cow provides the manure for the plant, and the plant serves as animal feed. So that as a farmer you don’t need to bring in very much from outside the farm and you create your own cycle. I would also like to add horticulture on a smaller scale to that farm. But my passion lies mainly with the cows; you work with living animals, you provide them with a wonderful life, and you get a lot in return, such as cheese, milk and meat.
I see a farm as an organism
I would also like to process my own products. It’s nice to make something from start to finish: from milk to cheese, from meat to sausages, from tomato to pulp, from peppers to sambal. Because I also really like good food, and cooking! I often pick a country and then create a recipe from there. Paella from Spain, curry from India, pasta from Italy. I use products that have been grown or produced on the farms here at Warmonderhof as much as possible. Because I’ve discovered the difference in quality and taste. Products that are allowed the time to grow taste better. And cheese made from milk from one herd really tastes much better than from milk originating from hundreds of cows mixed together.
Cows should be allowed to run free
I see my future abroad, because there’s more space there. Cows should be able to wander around in forests and graze in open natural pastures. I also want to integrate nature and nature management into my business. I see that as an essential part of farming. Combining a mixed farm with processing does mean that in the future I will collaborate with several people in one location. But that’s fun. Living and working together with about ten people; each within their own branch of the business. This way you also create a new organism with those people; a balanced whole.”
Warmonderhof has monthly open days. Are you interested in the possibilities for you at our school? Please take a look in our agenda for the next open day.